Seit siebzig Jahren unterstützen wir unsere Kundinnen und Kunden mit unseren Schlaflösungen: Das Unternehmen Frankenstolz entwickelt und produziert seit 1955 hochwertige Schlafqualität Made in Germany.
Schlaf ist individuell. Jede und jeder von uns hat andere Prioritäten. Mit unseren Produktmarken erfüllen wir die unterschiedlichsten Schlafbedürfnisse: In der Unternehmensgruppe Frankenstolz bündeln wir unsere drei Marken Frankenstolz, Sannwald und fan.
Our administration is based in Mainaschaff. We produce in Aschbach in Bavaria and Oschatz in Saxony. There is also a factory outlet here.
Our employees ensure our "Made in Germany" quality. They are committed to Frankenstolz: On average, commercial employees stay with the company for around 10 years and industrial employees for around 9 years. The retention rate for trainees is around 80 percent.
We produce around 14,000 quilts and pillows, over 3,000 mattresses and toppers as well as box-spring and upholstered beds every day. We sell our sleep solutions in Germany, many European countries and Asia.
Neben Wareneingang, Versand, Retourenabteilung, Qualitäts-sicherung und Technik ist die Produktion das Herzstück unserer Standorte. Große Lagerflächen und ein hochmodernes, voll-automatisches Kommissionierlager bieten Flächen für 40.000 bis 60.000 Matratzen.
At Frankenstolz, we combine traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. We are proud of the high level of vertical integration at our two production sites. Each site pools focused resources, expertise and technologies. The site in Oschatz is the competence center for mattresses and toppers, while the one in Aschbach is the competence center for quilts and pillows.
Even though the degree of automation is increasing, there is still a lot of manual work involved. The real hand can probably never be replaced 100%, especially in delicate processes.
From small beginnings, we have developed into one of the most important home textile manufacturers in Europe.
Mr. Herbert Neumeyer takes over the handcrafted quilt sewing business (formerly Reuß in Aschaffenburg) on January 1.
The beginnings: With six seamstresses and a quilting machine, Herbert Neumeyer produces 40 quilts a day and establishes the Frankenstolz brand.
Mainaschaff: Construction of the operations and administration building in Mainaschaff
Aschbach: Commissioning of the 1st construction phase of the Aschbach plant
Oschatz: Start of production at the Oschatz plant with 60,000 m2 of operating space